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Anxiety-free dental sedation

At Govan Dental Care we pride ourselves on treating anxious and phobic patients, providing anxiety-free dental sedation for NHS and private patients.

Recently Govan Dental Care has become a key referral clinic for dentists throughout the West of Scotland for dental patient anxiety management.

Patients can often be very nervous at the thought of visiting the dentist.  Where as most fears can be overcome by our caring dentists, many require much more to address what may be even be a phobia.  This is where Dental Sedation helps.

We have patients who regularly come to us for Dental Sedation in Glasgow, there is probably more people who get this procedure than you might think, dental sedation for nervous patients is sometimes a must have for the patient and also for the dentist to carry out the work properly.

Sedation (Dental Sedation) is a simple procedure that dentists and other medical professionals can use on patients that are nervous or for long or difficult treatments that could be uncomfortable for you.  It is achieved by administrating medication that is used to make you feel very relaxed and in a ‘dream-like’ state.

Our aim is to make you feel at ease whenever you are coming into our practice.

At Govan Dental Care you will be under the care of two dentists for your treatment, One will carry out the treatment, while the other monitors the sedation.  This is best practice and makes us one of the safest and conscientious practices carrying out dental sedation, in Glasgow.

If you fit into any of the following categories then this procedure may be best for you:

  • If you suffer from dental phobia and you would rather not be aware of what is happening during treatment.
  • Your fear is based around a specific thing like needles.
  • If you are getting some complex treatment and it’s an unpleasant procedure, for example, wisdom tooth removal.
  • If you have a lot of treatment to be finished and want most of it done in one visit or if you can’t take lots of time off for separate appointments.

What makes us different


Free check-ups available from the NHS for all patients in Scotland.

Opening Hours

Monday 9am-5.30pm
Tuesday 9am-5.30pm
Wednesday 9am-5.30pm
Thursday 9am-5.30pm
Friday 9am-5pm


Our practice is perfect for children and welcomes nervous patients.