Govan Dental is situated around 10 minutes from Mosspark. There is easy access to Govan from this area, including one bus that takes you directly to Govan Bus Station.
In an emergency situation Govan Dental Care can see you on the day of the emergency as soon as possible, out of working hours there is a phone number for NHS 24 that can be obtained from the out-of-hours-answerphone on 0141 445 1829.
In addition to above Mosspark is a very well known area with a lot of history behind as well as other areas such as Govan. Mosspark and the lands of East and Mid-Henderston were incorporated into Glasgow in 1909. They covered seventy-two hectares of farmland and their acquisition was prompted by the need to develop communities to help ease the city’s high levels of overcrowding. The background of the First World War was also crucially important for determining Mosspark’s pioneering place in Glasgow Corporation’s housing programme.
There are many families that have been brought up in this area all of their lives and have a local dentist in Mosspark. In any event that your usual dentist Mosspark cannot see you, Govan Dental Care is within a short distance- one bus away. We are accepting ALL new patients either NHS/Private and offer late night evenings and weekends available also to suit your needs. For any queries or appointments or to arrange a arrange a FREE consultation with us at Govan Dental Care.